Tomorrowland white logoTomorrowland Foundation Logo White

The Tomorrowland Foundation collaborates with independent non-profit organizations focused on working with vulnerable children by providing education & personal development skills, focussed on their creativity and self-expression.

Our impact in numbers

Numbers that matter



Mobile schools





Childeren reached


Educational panels

Tomorrowland Foundation - Music school
Tomorrowland Foundation - Dancing child

Breaking the circle

The Tomorrowland Foundation aims to support children and youngsters between the ages of 4 and 21 from all over the world. Children living in developing countries or regions in crisis, with parents that are preoccupied with ‘survival’ or with unequal chances in life.

These children are very often raised in poverty and have a high risk of spending their whole life in poverty. The Tomorrowland Foundation wants to break this vicious circle.

Tomorrowland Foundation - Laughing kids

Personal development

Personal development should not be restricted to learning to read and write. The ability to express yourself creatively and feel part of a group and society is also part of personal development.

Tomorrowland Foundation - Kids waving
Tomorrowland Foundation - Lost Frequenties

The Tomorrowland Foundation supports children youngsters in developing countries or crisis regions. Where parents may struggle for survival or have few chances.

Main Focus

The Tomorrowland Foundation focuses on projects that aim to give those children the chance to express themselves creatively and work on their self-esteem.

Give children the ability to learn
Let them express like they want to through Music & Dance
Creative development is key to escape from their daily lives

Help make a difference

Let's help make a difference! Donate to the Tomorrowland Foundation and support children and families in need around the world.
Join us and create a lasting, positive impact!


You can find the most frequently asked questions here.

How can I donate to the Tomorrowland Foundation?

You can make a spontaneous donation online through the website by clicking on the 'Show Your Support' button. Furthermore, during the festival, you have the opportunity to donate 2 “Pearls” – The Official Tomorrowland Cashless currency. By doing so, they directly support the Tomorrowland Foundation. In addition, all proceeds of the Official “Tomorrowland – Live Today, Love Tomorrow, Unite Forever” Totebag go to the fantastic Tomorrowland Foundation Projects.